They used to say that you could tell a musical was bad when the audience exited "whistling the sets." Well, the Bond series has always boasted sets that evoked whistles from its first film to the latest. Production designers like Ken Adam, Syd Cain, and Peter Lamont have pushed the envelope of what was possible and even improbable in film design with their nefarious lairs, gleaming command headquarters, and pristine offices. From underground grottoes to cities in space, the architects of Evil have made sure that both the Good and Bad Guys of Bond have had only the best 5-star accommodations.
Their lavish designs have influenced real-world architecture so much that when scouting locations for Diamonds Are Forever, Ken Adam was astonished to find a Palm Springs house that he might have designed! And when Blofeld offers to buy Bond "a delicatessen in stainless steel" in For Your Eyes Only, it evoked in audiences memories of past film-sets' gleaming stanchions and single support staircases.
Their lavish designs have influenced real-world architecture so much that when scouting locations for Diamonds Are Forever, Ken Adam was astonished to find a Palm Springs house that he might have designed! And when Blofeld offers to buy Bond "a delicatessen in stainless steel" in For Your Eyes Only, it evoked in audiences memories of past film-sets' gleaming stanchions and single support staircases.
17. Dr. No's Crab Key Facility
Featured in:- Dr. No (1962)
The purpose of this nuclear-powered facility is to redirect or "topple" rockets launched by the US government from Cape Canaveral, Florida. For instance, Dr. No redirected a test flight of an experimental rocket design that was supposed to land in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean.
From this facility, Dr. No was able to take control of the rocket and force it to land in the middle of the Brazilian jungle. No plans to use his facility to cause set-backs in both Eastern and Western rocket development, thus escalating Cold War tensions.
The Crab Key facility is a combination of a nuclear reactor, 5-star hotel, bauxite mine, and radio jamming center.
The facility is located on Crab Key, a small, private island between Jamaica and Cuba.
16.Goldfinger's Laser Room

Art Director:- Ken Adam
Replacing a low-tech circular saw in Goldfinger's Swiss facility, the industrial laser emits an extraordinary light not to be found in Nature. It can cut though solid metal, making it an ideal choice to cleave gold panels into more usable configurations for Goldfinger's operations. Extremely powerful, the laser can be used to saw through all sorts of things!
15. Auric Stud Recreation Room

Art Director:- Ken Adam
Oh sure, it may seem like a recreation room (or "rumpus room" in Ken Adams' drawing), but in fact, it's Auric Goldfinger's "situation" room, with all the schematics and plans for "
It's also good for a lively game of pool.
Plenty of room for a "hoods convention."
It's a good place to get rid of unwanted guests!
Where to start? Best to begin with the pool table, the playing surface of which can flip over to reveal an intricate control panel with which to begin the room's transformation.
The pool table can pivot out of the way to make way for a sunken diorama of the area surrounding Ft. Knox.
The far wall can recede to reveal a detailed floor-to-ceiling map of the military base around Ft. Knox.
That large stainless steel fireplace can drop in place effectively sealing the room from the outside.
The hardwood floor adds an old, traditional style.
14. Fort Knox Interior

Featured in:-Goldfinger (1964)
Art Director:-Ken Adam
Fort Knox, Kentucky is the site for the United States Treasury Gold Depository.
Here's a link to some facts about the real Fort Knox
The Ft. Knox Gold Depository is the target for Auric Goldfinger's "Operation: Grand Slam"
The operation, a collaboration between Auric Enterprises and Red China, was to plant and explode a
In Ian Fleming's novel "Goldfinger," Operation Grand Slam entailed the actual stealing of gold using a specially diverted train--a considerably less practical plan.
Ken Adam was not allowed to see the interior of the actual Ft. Knox (though he did see pictures of it that left him unimpressed). He, instead, decided to create a "cathedral of gold," a structure impressive enough in scope that it would match Auric Goldfinger's dreams of avarice. It also provides lots of space for Oddjob to throw James Bond around in. The wittiest aspect of the structure may be the entrance, shaped like a bank vault's door.
13.Spectre Briefing Room
Featured in:-Thunderball(1965)
Art Director:-Ken Adam
to brief SPECTRE affiliates on Emilio Largo's NATO Project
The SPECTRE board room is located in France, and is a very simple design (Ken Adam expressed worries it was "too simple"). SPECTRE No. 1 sits at a slightly elevated platform with a handy remote control panel nearby. The SPECTRE agents sit in chairs provided with microphones and electric
12. M's Conference Room

Featured in:-Thunderball (1965)
Art Director:-Ken Adam
M's conference room at MI6 is large enough to accommodate large briefings for the heads of state as well as the entire Double-0 section.
Impressive in scope and purpose, M's conference room is a large auditorium which can be purposed to host briefings of all sizes and types.
Secure, hi-tech, yet classically ornate, the large tapestries and paintings disguise a variety of maps, screens and status boards. The conference room also contains all manner of communication, both within MI6 and around the world, making it the ultimate Situation Room.
There's even room to brief all nine members of the exclusive 00 branch of MI6 simultaneously in a major crisis of world-wide implications.
11.Osato's Office

Featured in:- You Only Live Twice (1967)
Art Director:- Ken Adam
The penthouse office of Mr. Osato, head of Osato Chemical and Engineering Co, Ltd. (but also secretly an operative of SPECTRE).
a seemingly innocent, ornate office, Mr. Osato's cover-site has many hidden secrets!
Right outside Osato's office is a convenient heli-pad should he decide to take a quick helicopter trip to one of Japan's volcanoes.
In one of those light fixtures in the ceiling, a secretary can keep an eye on visitors with a hidden camera--and should it prove necessary, in-line with the camera is a remote sniper rifle.
Mr. Osato can personally screen his visitors with a fluoroscope hidden in his desk.
Mr. Osato keeps a fully equipped bar behind those mahogany-panelled walls--although his taste in refreshments is questionable!
The furniture is light-weight and easily moved--or thrown at an assailant.
Check out the statue on Mr. Osato's desk. It has a crack in it.
Should you be in the neighborhood, the combination to his safe is 46-83-1. Careful! It sets off a building-wide alarm when opened, but fortunately, the two armed guards who do nightly rounds are bad shots.
Art Director:- Ken Adam
The penthouse office of Mr. Osato, head of Osato Chemical and Engineering Co, Ltd. (but also secretly an operative of SPECTRE).
a seemingly innocent, ornate office, Mr. Osato's cover-site has many hidden secrets!
Right outside Osato's office is a convenient heli-pad should he decide to take a quick helicopter trip to one of Japan's volcanoes.
In one of those light fixtures in the ceiling, a secretary can keep an eye on visitors with a hidden camera--and should it prove necessary, in-line with the camera is a remote sniper rifle.
Mr. Osato can personally screen his visitors with a fluoroscope hidden in his desk.
Mr. Osato keeps a fully equipped bar behind those mahogany-panelled walls--although his taste in refreshments is questionable!
The furniture is light-weight and easily moved--or thrown at an assailant.
Check out the statue on Mr. Osato's desk. It has a crack in it.
Should you be in the neighborhood, the combination to his safe is 46-83-1. Careful! It sets off a building-wide alarm when opened, but fortunately, the two armed guards who do nightly rounds are bad shots.
10. Blofeld's Volcano Lair

Featured in:-You Only Live Twice(1967)
Art Director:-Ken Adam
a control center and living space for Blofeld and his scheme to launch Bird 1, a SPECTRE rocket ship
Built for a hefty £350,000 the Blofeld volcano lair was, at the time, the most expensive (and outlandish) movie set ever built.The set (erected at Pinewood Studios) featured a command room, usable helicopter pad, full-scale Intruder rocket (which could launch with the help of a hidden crane), a huge retractable "crater lake" opening and a working monorail system!The set required two hundred miles of tubular steel, more than 700 tons of structural steel, 200 tons of plasterwork, half a million tubular couplings, 8,000 railway ties, and more than 250,000 square yards of canvas. It was 126 feet high and was two football fields square. It cost the entire budget of Lewis Gilbert's previous film, Alfie.The You Only Live Twice Volcano Lair was the ultimate in spy-movie HQ's and remains a fan favorite to this day.
9. "Tiger" Tanaka's Office

Featured in:-You Only Live Twice (1967)
Art Director:-Ken Adam
the spartan office of "Tiger" Tanaka of Japanese Intelligence, and Bond's contact in Japan
Tanaka's underground office has one very distinctive feature--it's entrance. Visitors are "chuted" from a non-descript tube corridor to a waiting couch--not very dignified, but allows one to achieve the upper hand in a "power meeting."
Tanaka's office, though spare, also offers two video monitors (Sony, no doubt) with which he can view the signals from the many "video cameras" used for surveillance (including one linked to Aki's
The exit to Tanaka's office is armored, and leads directly to his private train system that allows him to travel securely and discretely!
8. "Tiger" Tanaka's Train

Featured in:- You Only Live Twice (1967)
Art Director:- Ken Adam
Tanaka's "rolling office" allowstransport while never allowing him out of contact with Japanese Intelligence. There is virtually nothing that Tanaka cannot accomplish on his underground railroad that he could in his office.
This particular compartment, which was used to brief 007, offers full communication, encryption and stenographic services, as well as a fully equipped audio-visual suite that can display any material at a command--even micro-dots.
Because the Secret Service can be a taxing job, Tanaka's compartment also features a fully loaded bar guaranteed to suit all tastes from sake to vodka martini's (Sorry, no Siamese vodka!)
Art Director:- Ken Adam
Tanaka's "rolling office" allows
This particular compartment, which was used to brief 007, offers full communication, encryption and stenographic services, as well as a fully equipped audio-visual suite that can display any material at a command--even micro-dots.
Because the Secret Service can be a taxing job, Tanaka's compartment also features a fully loaded bar guaranteed to suit all tastes from sake to vodka martini's (Sorry, no Siamese vodka!)
7. Dikko Henderson's Apartment

Featured in:- You Only Live Twice (1967)
Art director:- Ken Adam
A veteran field-agent in Japan, Henderson's apartment in Tokyo is an odd
6. Piz Gloria

Featured in:- On Her Majesty's Secret Service (1969)
Art Director:- Syd Cain
Headquarters and Living area for the Bleauchamp Clinic for Allergies (but secretly Blofeld's base of operations for his "Virus Omega" project).
Located high in the Swiss Alps for isolation of the Clinic's patients during the "delicate procedure," Muren's Piz Gloria is reachable only by helicopter and overhead tram (and climbing--but only at your own risk!)
The Piz Gloria complex provides living accommodations, dining facilities, recreational opportunities, as well as a rotunda providing a spectacular 360 degree view of the neighboring mountains. It also has an underground laboratory facility separated from the main facility and protected by "anti-septors." The wheel house from the tram can be used as an impromptu (if unreliable) holding facility.
Conveniently located near an Olympic-class bobsled run, Piz Gloria also provides ample opportunity for adrenaline-charged skiing challenges!
The facility was blown up by unknown mercenaries in 1969, but has re-opened (under new management) as a fine-dining restaurant.
5. Willard Whyte's Penthouse

Featured in:- Diamonds Are Forever (1971)
Art Director:- Ken Adam
Blofeld's hideout
From here Blofeld could order any one around because he took Willard Whyte's identity.
James Bond was shocked when he saw Blofeld in the penthouse instead of Willard Whyte
Mainly Willard Whyte's residence (apart from his
Willard Whyte took it back after Bond foiled Blofeld's plan and again sent him (Blofeld) into hiding
Made in 1970's design that includes a stainless steel staircase and elevator
Built for a millionare with expensive leather sofas and other furnishings

Featured in:- The Spy Who Loved Me (1977)
Art Director:- Ken Adam
To serve as a home for Karl Stromberg
to use as a base of operations for Stromberg's dastardly scheme.
Atlantis is an underwater city/command post and research center for Stromberg Industries. Atlantis can rise above sea-level on its four stanchions, allowing transport to the mainland using the four working helipads.
Atlantis has an extensive aquarium, as well as a shark-tank equipped with an overhead electro-magnetic crane (for some reason)
Art Director:- Ken Adam
To serve as a home for Karl Stromberg
to use as a base of operations for Stromberg's dastardly scheme.
Atlantis is an underwater city/command post and research center for Stromberg Industries. Atlantis can rise above sea-level on its four stanchions, allowing transport to the mainland using the four working helipads.
Atlantis has an extensive aquarium, as well as a shark-tank equipped with an overhead electro-magnetic crane (for some reason)
3. Drax's Venice Laboratory

Featured in:- Moonraker(1979)
Art Director:- Ken Adam
to secretly create and test Drax's nerve gas that he is using to kill all humans on Earth
2. "The Great Chamber"

Featured in:- Moonraker (1979)
Art Director:- Ken Adam
"The Great Chamber" serves as a transition space between the outside Amazon jungle and the high-tech control rooms of the Drax Industries "Moonraker" program.
"The Great Chamber" is housed inside an Incan temple, and native art is festooned around the interior.
There is an active waterfall and stream (with indigenous wild-life) to provide local color (and entertainment) to the visitor.
"The Great Chamber" has one of those wonderful bridges that have been known to "go wrong" in past Bond films (although some of the rockery is a bit unstable, too! Although fortunately, none of it happened to cross Bond's path).
1. Moonraker Launch Facility

Featured in:- Moonraker (1979)
Art Director:- Ken Adam
to launch Hugo Drax's Moonraker rockets, carrying his "race" of specially selected people into outer space
Secretly constructed slightly hexagonal launch facilities throughout the world to accommodate the simultaneous launch of his entire Moonraker "fleet." (The better to avoid detection)
His facilities are buried underground from the prying eyes of "spy" satellites...and Earth-bound spies!
The configuration of each launch bay is such that several control rooms can be extended for an unobstructed view of the shuttles pre-launch.
To avoid damage to the control rooms they can be moved "flush" with the facility's walls during launch sequence.
Perversely, Hugo Drax has set up conference areas in the blast deflectors below each Moonraker rocket nozzle—as can be seen below (should he be prematurely "called away" during a meeting, be sure and note where the Exits are!)