One Dollar Salary - Latest Passion Of Passionate People

Now a days the latest trend that prevails between the celebrities of the multimedia world is getting a one dollar salary. We fellow citizens think that how do they survive with a single dollar, but the fact is that they get their income through their shares in their respective companies which is normally estimated with a minimum amount of one million dollars. The most famous man on the world to get one dollar salary is Steve Jobs. Here are some important celebrities who also get a monthly income of one dollar.

Steve Jobs, CEO of Apple

Sergey Brin, Co-founder of Google

Jerry Yang, Former CEO of Yahoo

Sergey Brin, Co-founder of Google

Arnold Schwarzenegger, Former Governor of California

Eric Schmidt, Executive chairman of Google

Sehat Sutardja, Co-founder of Marvel Technology

Michael Bloomberg, Mayor of Newyork City

Mark Zuckerberg, CEO of Facebook

The above said persons may not be familiar to us, but even they are considered as a great personalities in the media world.

Now the latest sensational news in this one dollar trend is that Mark Zucker Berg (Founder of Facebook) has officially made an announcement that he will be joining the one dollar club from 2013.