Alain Robert [French Spiderman] Climbs Hong kong Bank

Alain Robert wants the world to know he takes his "French Spiderman" moniker very seriously. 
Famous for not revealing which building he plans to climb in advance, the French climber scaled all 27 stories of the 450-foot-tall Hang Seng Bank headquarters in Hong Kong with his bare hands, to the delight of cheering fans below. Despite not having official permission to scale the walls of the building, the 48-year-old daredevil was reportedly allowed to walk away without charges.

 "At the end of the day I am very, very sure that there is absolutely zero damage and in terms of the law, what I did now is not considered as a crime, so then that is the reason why I have been released," he told ITN. According to the Telegraph, Robert has climbed over 85 giant structures around the globe, including Chicago's Willis Tower (formerly the Sears Tower) and Sydney's 57-story Lumiere Building, where he was promptly arrested after reaching the top.