Celebrities At High School Sports Playing Photos

Many celebrities was really popular during the high school. Since the only way to become popular in high school is that you are playing some sport, all this celebrities was.

20.Tina Fey (Tennis)

19.Jamie Foxx (Basketball)

18.Jon Hamm (Football)

17.Kendra Wikinson (Soccer)

16.Sly Stallone (Football)

15.Willie Nelson (Football)

14.Ryan Seacrest (Football)
13.Gwen Stefani (Swimming)

12.Brad Pitt (Basketball)

11.Avril Lavigne (Hockey)

10.Sheryl Crow (Track)

9.Bill Cosby (Football)

8.Tom Cruise (Soccer)

7.Robin Williams (Football)

6.Ellen Degeneres (Tennis)

5.Burt Reynolds (Football)

4.Tommy Lee Jones (Football)

3.Jon Stewart (Soccer)

2.Emma Watson Field (Hockey)

1. David Boreanaz (Football)