Which Is The Third Most Popular Browser........

Google Chrome browser, launched in September 2008, is now the world’s third-most popular browser, pushing Apple’s Safari to the fourth position, according to a Browser Market Share report by California-based measurement firm Net Applications.

At the end of December 2009,
Google Chrome posted a browser share of 4.63%,
while Apple’s Safari posted a share of 4.46%.
Mozilla’s Firefox lost 0.1%, finishing with 24.6% at the second place.
Microsoft’s Internet Explorer dropped 0.92% finishing with 62.7%.
Microsoft’s IE8 owned a 23.7% share,compared to IE6′s 21% and IE7′s 15.5% shares.

Computerworld estimates that IE will fall under the 50% share mark as early as mid-May if the dramatic negative trend of the last three months holds true.

Net Applications measures browser usage share by tracking the systems used to visit the 40,000 sites it monitors for clients, which results in a pool of about 160 million unique visitors per month.