Google New Online Music Store

Most awaited Google service released by the Google. Recently Google music beta turn over's into the Google Music. It's the big compatator to the Apple music product iTunes. It was announced in the Google I/O conference with the introduction of many more features of Google Music. It supports to streaming the music in the Android, Browsers, Google TV 2.0 and Flash supported devices. 

Google Music service is not only a music streaming service, it's also act as online music store, where you can find and buy the songs and albums. Google music allows a user to download more than 20,000 free songs. It also allows the user to store thier bought songs in the cloud player storage for free upto 20,000 songs. If you need to upload more than 20,000 songs better you go with the unlimited storage plan for 20$. If you need to upload more than 20,000 songs better you go with the unlimited storage plan for 20$. Before you buy a song you can play a 90 seconds sample preview of the song. It helps user to pick their favourite song.

Recent news said that the world biggest music publishing company Sony, BMI, Universal and many more companies signed in the contract with the google music. Every single song has valued between 0.99$ to 1.29$. Every album has priced inbetween the $8.49 to $9.99. They will overtake the itunes within the two years because apple company is managed by Tim Cook not an iGenius Steve Jobs now. We have to wait what will overcome iTunes or Amazon or Google Music? We can call it as "Online music store war".

Google spends more time to develop the Google music store. Google was released an app for android and ios. The android app must be work in the above version of android version 2.2 and in the Google TV 2.0 which supports Android App. On the launch of google music beta service, it only allowed the user who got invitations by the google music like google plus. Now, it allows the user to register using their gmail email id. But, we have to wait to join in the google music because it only opens in the united states of america. May be they will plan to open their new music store Google Music in worldwide before the end of year 2012.